Backstage with Japan Skates @ 2011 Cup of China 中国杯
thanks to: PAJA for Yuzuru SP illustration
November 4-6 in Shanghai, 2011

((Interviews: Yuzuru HANYU 羽生結弦選手, Yuka SATO 佐藤有香コーチ|Press Conference|Reports))

Yuzuru HANYU 羽生結弦選手 mixed zone interview after FS

Yuzuru HANYU 羽生結弦 © Paja
2011-12SP"Etude in D Sharp Minor Patetico"
@ 2011 CoC

☞ 日本語

- about disappointing 2nd half

It was not supposed to do, but I failed. For a couple of seasons I haven't failed in 3A combo in the 2nd half, I regret that I did here. What a shame… I think I must make all the element with a quad! I don't think it's worth that I made a quad. If you have a quad, your program should be higher level, but if you fail in other jumps, it doesn't make sense. I found it's really important to make the rest of jump elements after a successful quad. (asked "hadn't you had enough stamina to do there?:) There should be no excuse, I had problems with myself.

- some journalist asked about Gachinski

"defeat or not Gachinski", it doesn't make sense for now, I feel I got defeated by myself. Always I have a flaw with my 3Lz… I must train much harder, to make all the element.

(Nobu came through there to the press conference room, he and his coach=mom greeted Yuzuru "Cheers," in unison. Yuzuru smiled and gave them a bow.)

- for his next competition Rostelecom Cup in Russia

2 weeks left me. Although I had so many run-throughs of FS for this Cup of China, I did have so many flaws. So, I must have much more run-throughs and other practices, considering how to improve myself. I need "the method for fighting in the competition".

- some journalist asked "You had placed in 4th at NHK Trophy last season, and did it here again, but are you unhappy with your placement for now?"

"4th or other placement", it doesn't make sense for now. I am not satisfied with my performance in FS, for I wasn't able to set the rest of pieces, but a quad.

* I couldn't question Yuzuru as I was in the third journalist row, far from him…

((日本語 in Japanese))


気を抜いているつもりはなかったのですが、ミスはミスです。ここ何年間か、後半のアクセルのところで失敗することがなかったので悔しいですし、情けない⋯ やっぱり、「四回転が決まってなんぼ!」じゃないと、だめだと思うんで!「四回転が決まった!」から自分はがんばった、っていうのは、違うというか⋯ 四回転を入れることで、プログラム自体はレベルアップしますけど、他のジャンプでミスをしてしまっては、意味がない。四回転が決まっても、他のジャンプもしっかり決める、というのが本当に大事だな、と思いました。(後半はスタミナ不足か?と問われて:)それ以前の問題です。


今、「ガチンスキー選手に勝った・負けた」とかいう気分ではなくて。自分に負けちゃった気分です。いつもいつもルッツでミスをしてしまうので⋯ どんどん練習していって、ミスをなくしたいです。







A cozy time with Yuka SATO 佐藤有香コーチ after Men

佐藤有香 Yuka SATO © Japan Skates
Yuka SATO @ 2011 CoC © Japan Skates

☞ 日本語

JS: Yuka, I bet you're a true rock fan!

YS: (smiles)

JS: You made programs with Santana, Jimi Hendrix, John Mayer, even Nick Drake this season!(for Takahiko KOZUKA), and in your recent program, you skated "1234" by Feist (choreographed by David Wilson). You hit our rock fans' heart so far!

YS: (laughs) Thank you!

JS: So, let us know what's the next rock song on the ice?

YS: …well, it hasn't been ready to play at this moment. It's ready when you are in good "timing" and "feeling".

JS: Where have you found the music?

YS: at iTunes?

JS: uh-huh?

YS: "It feels like… this?" start searching by "style". You know, mostly you're not sure how it goes, when you create a good work. Surfing up sea of music, I reach the genre that "could fit this style?", then I research the song which is familiar with people. And, "It matches!" - something like that? (smiles)

JS: I guess you listen to radio, especially.

YS: uh-huh. always. If you listen to music only from your own rack,

NO: (Nobu was walking through again) "See you,"

YS: "Bye,"

JS: (smiles and bows)

YS: - you have no merry encounter, that radio arranges for us. And movie soundtracks I listen to as well.

JS: Tell us about your students, what do you expect of them this season?

YS: As for Jeremy (ABBOTT) , he had such a disappointing season last year… and today he had a hardly perfect performance, has a lot to work from now, but I think his mental aspects has a lot improved, since he had passed through the regrettable last season. "Every single detail could be of the result," I always tell him. Then they come out here, as a result (he won a gold) , so he has gotten confident, to step to the next level. Although today's result didn't satisfy us at all, we should be happy with it for a moment. As for Haruka (IMAI) , she's so young and promising. Results means a lot to her, too, however, now I have tried to help her to make her long way leading to her future, to have quality basic skills to expose her "value" in competitions, I hope so.

JS: I saw Yuka performing in the ice show this summer, that dazzled me, "what trainings made such a long lasting (age 38) performance?"

YS: (laughs) …trainings, hardly enough for now. I have a minimum idea, "I want to have a bit more trainings to perform as a professional skater." Yet, my body must not work for now. (smiles) So, I have indulged myself to skate - that means "my own time", as well. I love this sport, hope to continue my beloved things… then I have skated when I have my spare time. I know that the less I train, the less my body works, but I would like to skate as "a moment's pleasure". (smiles)

((日本語 in Japanese))

JS: 有香さんは、すごく「ロックファン」の方だ!と自分は思っていて。

YS: (笑)

JS: Santana から、The Ventures、Jimi Hendrix、John Mayer、今季は Nick Drake まで!プログラムにされていたり(小塚崇彦選手の振付)、また、有香さん御自身の最近のプログラムでは、Feist の"1234"(デイビッド・ウィルソンさん振付)で滑られていたり。自分たち(ロックファン)が聴いているような音楽を有香さんが使われているので、びっくりして!

YS: (笑) ありがとうございます!

JS: 今後プログラムに使われてみたいロックソングをお教え下さい!

YS: そうですね⋯ 特に今のところないんですけれど、でも、こういうのって、「タイミング」と聴いてるときの「フィーリング」でひらめくので。

JS: どこで曲を見つけられますか?

YS: iTunesとか。

JS: ほぅ?

YS: 「こんな感じかな?」という「スタイル」から始まって⋯ 大体、いいものが出来るときって、自分で「よく分からない」ときが多くて。手探り状態から始まって、いろんな曲を聴きながら、「ふぅ〜む。このスタイルかな?」というジャンルの曲の中から、聞き慣れたものを探して。そこから、リサーチをして、「アッ!」 (見つけた!) ⋯みたいな(笑)

JS: ラジオなんかも、よく聴かれているのかな?と思っているのですが。

YS: そうですね。常に⋯ CDとかだと、自分の持っている限られた音楽だけを⋯

NO: (織田信成選手がふたたび通りがかって)「お疲れ様でした。」

YS: 「お疲れ様です。」

JS: (嬉) 会釈

YS: ⋯聞いてしまうので。ラジオだと、いろんなものがかかっているじゃないですか。あとは、映画とか。

JS: 有香さんの生徒さん達が、今シーズン、こうなってほしいな、という目標をお聞かせ下さい。

YS: ジェレミー (アボット選手) に関しては、昨シーズン、とても残念な経験をしたんですけれども⋯ 今日もパーフェクトではないし、これからたくさんの課題があるんですが、でも、先シーズンに悔しい思いをしたことによって、すごく、いろいろな意味で精神的に成長したと思います。「ちょっとした、細かいことの積み重ねが、結果に表れる」ということをずっと話してきました。それが今、結果 (中国杯優勝) として出て来て、またひとつの自信につながるし、これからのステップになります。今日の結果は、本人はもちろん満足ではないですし、私も課題は多いと思っていますが、今の時点では、こういう風になって良かったな、と思います。遥ちゃん (今井選手) は、若くて、将来性のある選手ですので、もちろん、結果も大切なんですけれども、彼女が、これから長いスケート人生を歩んで行けるように。今、ベーシックを鍛えて、選手としての『価値』みたいなものを伝えられるように、と願っています。

JS: 有香さんが、今夏のフレンズ・オン・アイスで滑られているのを拝見しまして、どういうトレーニングをされていたら、有香さんのお年(38歳!)まで⋯ と。

YS: (笑) ほとんど出来ないので。プロとしてパフォーミングをするにあたって、もう少しトレーニングをしたいな、という、最低限のアイディア、というものがあるんですけれども、やっぱり、どう考えても無理が出て来てしまうので(笑) 今はとにかく、気軽に。「滑る」ということに関して、それが『自分の時間』になるし、一番、自分の愛するスポーツなので、続けていけたらいいな、という⋯ 暇があったら滑って、みたいな、そんな状況で。練習が出来ないと、体力も衰えていくのは分かっているんですけれども、"ひとときのよろこび"(笑) みたいなかんじで、滑っていけたらいいな、と思っています。

Press Conference

☞ Ladies SP (English, Chinese, Russian)
3rd place Adelina SOTNIKOVA (RUS) in the beginning, 1st place Carolina KOSTONER (ITA) & 2nd place Mirai NAGASU (USA)

☞ Ladies FS (English, Chinese, Russian)
Gold medalist Carolina KOSTONER (ITA), Silver medalist Mirai NAGASU (USA), Bronze medalist Adelina SOTNIKOVA (RUS)
Mirai talked about her coach Frank Carroll - "best coach in the world," he was in the room and listened to that. And advice for Adelina, from "big sisters".

長洲未来 Mirai NAGASU © Japan Skates
Mirai with her beloved Monchhichi @ 2011 CoC
© Japan Skates

☞ Men FS (English, Chinese - Nobu spoke in English)
Gold medalist Jeremy ABBOTT (USA), Silver medalist Nobunari ODA (JPN), Bronze medalist Nan SONG (CHN)


Men Friday Practice

Yuzuru HANYU:
After a couple of 4T-3T landed, 4T-3T(< ?) in run-through. He's in form today, will have a good evening tonight. For me, his solo 4T seems to be done in a different way from his combination's, has a good distance, flow and the effortless, which can be connected with steps with ease. Before he got off the ice, Yuzuru showed his flexible improvisational moves along the mellow music of background! like a ribbon in the sky!

Nobunari ODA:
…has been not in form yet, to be honest. Due to his knee injury, he lost his skating speed, and was not in great shape. But he still made some quality 4T and eagle-3A(for SP). On run-through, he checked his jumping entries only, but gave a funky program!!! YES! he has a funk short program this season, too! It has more funk, more fun! If you love his last SP "Storm", I bet you really like it, too.

Jeremy(ABBOTT) will present "so cool" jazz performance in SP, you don't miss it!

Ladies SP Planned Program Content

Girls who have 3-3:
#1 Kexin ZHANG (CHN) 3T-3T/3Lz
#4 Adelina SOTNIKOVA (RUS) 3Lz-3Lo/3F
#5 Christina GAO (USA) 3F-3T/3Lz
#7 Ksenia MAKAROVA (RUS) 3T-3T/3Lo
#8 Kanako MURAKAMI (JPN) 3F-3T(!!)/3Lo
#10 Carolina KOSTONER (ITA) 3T-3T/3Lo

Men SP Planned Program Content

quad jumpers list:
#1 Jialiang WU (CHN) 4Lz-3T(!!!)/3Lz
#2 Nan SONG (CHN) 4T-3T/3Lz
#4 Kevin REYNOLDS (CAN) 4S-3T/3Lz
#5 Yuzuru HANYU (JPN) 4T-3T/3Lz
#7 Artur GACHINSKI (RUS) 4T-3T/3Lo
#8 Nobunari ODA:
{3A, 3Lz-3T, FCSp, 3F, SlSt, CSSp, CCoSp}
He will bake a donut on his Flying Camel Spin.

Ladies SP

Kanako MURAKAMI 53.09 TES25.80 PCS27.29(3) 4th place
"Violin Muse"
{3F-3T< -0.60, 3Lo<< -0.69, FSSP4 +0.29, LSp3 +0.43, 2A +0.50, SlSt2 +0.57, CCoSp4 +0.50}
Jumps, Spins, footworks, skating speed, performance, she gave her all, as her ending expression told so, as her moves were crying when the violin was crying. I couldn't attend Kanako's mixed zone interview, for Mirai&Carolina's performances, but papers say she has been struggling with her new boots for a month, even she could have skipped Cup of China. Although Carolina and Mirai hadn't their usual intensity yet they were still magnificent, brand-new Kanako magnetized me there.

Men SP

Yuzuru HANYU 81.37 TES44.93(2) PCS36.44(4) 2nd Place
"Etude in D Sharp Minor Patetico"
{4T -0.57, 3A +1.43, FCSp4 +0.64, 3Lz-3T +0.71, SlSt3 +0.71, CSSp4 +0.71, CCoSp2 +0.71}
Yuzuru might know he wouldn't put a good 3T following 4T, since he turned out with its 3T in Friday Practice. And he regretted that in press conference.

Nobunari ODA 77.65 TES39.68(3) PCS37.97(2) 4th place
"Memphis Soul Stew"
{eagle-3A +2.14, 3F-3T +1.30, FCSp4 +0.07, 3Lz(e) -0.40, SlSt3 +0.43, CSSp4 +0.24, CCoSp1 +0.50}
He finished his funk program, with such a joy and laughing! So did I! That's all!! …but Chinese crowds don't like 8 beat rock music… though, Nobu, Kevin(REYNOLDS), Richard(DORNBUSH), Jeremy(ABBOTT), guys made me crazy in their 8 beat!

So sorry that their mixed zone interviews I couldn't attend either. Jeremy was so pleased with his entertaining performance in press conference, that words saved me.

On Jialiang WU's 4Lz-3T, he made a 4Lz!!! YES, he rotated and spot-on landed, in warming-up 6minutes! but he couldn't add 3T there, therefore, he decided to have 3Lz-3T/3Lo in it, I guess. …I watched 4Lz for the first time!!!

Men Saturday Practice

Nobunari ODA:
Nobu checked his jumps entries only, as he did yesterday. But he will have a masterpiece in both SP/FS this season. Bluesy atmosphere changes a happy moment to the end, so happy ending! Jeremy was so happy to watch Nobu jazz-dancing in his step sequences, and gave Nobu a clap. He was still not in great shape, but jumping, always it's no problem for Nobu, you know! 3A, 3A-3T, 3-3, 3-2-2 were all well-done.

Yuzuru HANYU:
Yuzuru was still in great shape, on the other hand. What sharpness! But he was not in form only on his 4T, attended it several times and he hit at last! by the leaving time. On run-though, he dedicated his soul to the program as if it was not a practice. Except for 4T and 3A-3T(< ?), he has no problem with other jump elements. You'll see Yuzuru's both handed tano ("Rippon"?) in combination jumps. Then, I found his ribbon-in-the-sky-like moves means some cooling-down stretches to him… you could watch it every time in his practice session! sometimes he would show along the music.

Ladies FS Planned Program Content

Group 2:
#6 ZHANG {3T-3T, 3Lz-2T, 3Lz, 3F, 3Lo, 3S-2T, 2A}
#7 MURAKAMI {3Lz, 3Lo, 3F, 3Lo~2A, 3F~2A, 3T, 3S-2Lo-2Lo}
#8 SOTNIKOVA {3Lz-2T, 3F, 3S, 3Lz, 2A-3T, 3Lo, 2A-2T-2T}
#9 NAGASU {3Lo-2T, 2A-3T, 3Lz-2T-2Lo, 3Lz, 3F, 3Lo, 2A}
#10 KOSTNER {3Lo, 3F-3T(!!), 2A, 2A-2T, 3T, 3S, 3S-2T-2T}

Men FS Planned Program Content

#1 DORNBUSH {4T, 3Lz, 3A, 3A-3T, 3S~2A, 3Lz-2T-2Lo, 3F, 3Lo}
#2 REYNOLDS {4S, 4T, 3A, 4Lo(!!!), 3F-3T-3Lo(!!!!), 2A, 3Lz-3T, 3S-2Lo}
#3 WU {3A-3T, 3S, 3A, 3Lz, 3Lz-2T, 3Lo, 2A-2T-2Lo, 3F}
#4 SONG {4T-2T, 4T, 3A, 3A-3T, 3F, 3Lz, 3S, 2A-2T-2Lo}
#5 ODA {3A-2T-2Lo, 3Lz-3T, 3Lo, 3F, 3A, 3S, 3Lz-2T, 2A}
#6 ABBOTT {4T, 3A, 3F, 3A-3T, 3Lz-3T-2Lo, 3Lo, 3S, 2A}
#7 HANYU {4T, 3A, 3F, 3Lz-2T, 3A-3T-2T, 3Lz-2T, 3Lo, 3S}
#8 GACHINSKI {4T-3T, 3A, 3A-2T-2Lo, 3S, 3Lo, 3Lz-2T, 3Lz, 2A~2A}


Ladies FS

Kanako MURAKAMI 97.11 TES44.10 PCS54.01(4) overall 150.20 6th place
"Violin Concerto"
{3Lz(e) -0.70, 3Lo< -0.70, LSp3 +0.50, 3F<(fall) -2.10, FSSp2 +0.07 ChSp1 +0.70, 3Lo~1A +0.20, 3F<~2A -0.60, 2T +0.03, SlSt2 +0.64, 3S<-2Lo-2Lo -0.60, CCoSp4 +0.36}
So slowly Kanako… that she couldn't rotate on some triples. and so sad I couldn't attend her mixed zone interview… As for Ladies FS, #6 Kexin ZHANG was the highlight! She gave no mistake, gave her all, as well! Chinese music and Chinese crowds encouraged her to make a difference.

Men FS

Kevin(REYNOLDS) enjoyed his state-of-the-art content, Nan(SONG) gestured "MORE applause!" for his 2 quads + 2 3As in FS, then the Group2 started to warm them up. Yuzuru had been caught by his opener 4T, as same as in Saturday Practice, and he did hit again! by the leaving time.

Nobunari ODA 149.46 TES74.30 PCS76.16(2) -1.00(fall) overall 227.11 2nd place
"Les Parapluies de Cherbourg"
{3A-2T-2Lo +1.43, 3Lz(e)-3T -0.10, 3Lo +0.90, 3F<(fall) -2.10, SlSt3 +0.43, FCSp4 +0.07 // 3A +1.71, 3S +0.90, 3Lz(e)-2T -0.30, 2A +0.07 CCoSP2 +0.43, CSSp3 +0.43, ChSt1 +0.70}
Nobu fell on his 3F, which is built in dancing… I didn't expect a jump element was there, in his practice run-through. No preparation it has! 3Lo, 3F, 3S, 2A, they're all in footwork.

Yuzuru HANYU 145.16 TES72.80 PCS74.36(3) -2.00(falls) overall 226.53 4th place
"Romeo and Junliet"
{4T +2.00, 3A +1.57, 3F +1.00, FCSSp4 +0.71, 3Lz -0.10, CiSt3 +0.71 // 3A-3T<(fall) -3.00, 3Lz+SEQ(fall) -2.10, 3Lo 0.00, CCoSp4 +0.21, ChSt1 +0.90, 2S 0.00, FCCoSp4 +0.64}
Yuzuru was glowing in the first half, and struggling in the second half. No matter what, he had been fighting like blazes. That was a performance! Now he looks forward, "consider how to manage practices for competition," so bravely said at mixed zone. Yuzuru's coach Nanami ABE, she is also his choreographer, who has worked with lots of Japanese skaters for years (Akiko's 2006-08SP "Firedance" for example). Her choreography appeals to woman, I guess, because she captures what girls want from guys. She also made Kent's(Kento NAKAMURA) flamenco program "Malaguena"(2010-11FS).

☞ Result, Judges Scores 結果・採点表