+++ 2013 4CC四大陸選手権 Brian ORSER ブライアン・オーサーコーチ FS後 インタビュー mixed zone interview +++

☞ in Japanese 日本語訳

I think the important thing for Yuzuru, to understand is that he will just only get stronger because of this.

Uh, it wasn't a disaster, but it's…um… when you have your eye on the World Championships, it's difficult to be your best, so close to the World Championships.

It's a little bit disappointing, of course, but, he's very strong, and I know that he'll just grow from this.


I guess both short and long, were a little bit below average, 'cause he's been training better, and he's been training a bit more consistent, so it was a little, it was a bit of a surprise.

I think if he had just done his average, it would have been easily enough to win, um, but that wasn't the case today.

But I did tell him that, you know, he will definitely learn from this, and he will definitely be stronger. And, uh, he has nothing to be ashamed of and, um, you know, I know that - when we get to London - he'll "be on top of his game".


I think also, there was so much attention put on Daisuke and Yuzuru that, you know, Kevin Reynolds(1st place) took advantage of that and, you know, sometimes when you're the underdog, you know, if you're a good competitor, you take advantage of all the attention being somewhere else, and I have to say that most of the attention was on Yuzuru and Daisuke, and so I have to congratulate Kevin for being a good athlete.


(on next season and Sochi Olympics:) I know it's exactly one year, 365 days, I believe, right? Or is it – 364? Uh, but who's counting. (smiles)

Um, I think, well, but we just need to get through this season and finish very strong, and I'm very enthusiastic that London will be a different story.


(on Japanese skaters:) Well, all of these Japanese skaters are very fortunate to have such support and such a strong fan base, and, um, I know that they don't like to have nights where it's disappointing, but I think that Japanese fans will still be optimistic for the World Championships.

Uh, you know, I know that Daisuke didn't have a very good night tonight, and he's a very, he's a strong athlete and a strong skater, and he deserves to have a better skate, and I know that he'll have a great skate in London also, but that's what the World Championships is all about, is to be, do your best at that time and at the right time.


(What had you worked on since All-Japan Nationals, for this competition?:) We always take a look at the last competition to see where we can make some improvements. Um, it's always hard to come out of a big success like that, so we have to give lots of attention, and I think also, um… you know, Yuzuru trains with Javier Fernandez, and he got a lot of support. Yuzuru got a lot of support from Javier, coming to this competition and, he's very supportive.

I feel I have the two best skaters in the world, and, I know London will be a different story.


I know that, Yuzuru will get stronger learning from this competition. If he had gone out and done a perfect short and a perfect long, then I would be a little concerned for the World Championships.

As I've had other athletes, you know, particularly with Yu‑na Kim before Olympics, she came second at the Grand Prix final, and used that as some motivation and that's the best way to look at it for an athlete, is to look at it to…just to get stronger, because nobody likes to - if you feel like you are the best - you don't, nothing else will do, and you do get stronger, and it's happened for me as an athlete as well. I got stronger because of it, and I can just tell by his eyes right now that he is determined to be stronger, and, we have four weeks, which is a long time, and it's…it's enough time.

((日本語訳: Aiko Shimazu 島津愛子 ☞ in English 英語 ))

- 今大会を振り返って

Yuzuru にとって大事なのは、「この四大陸があったから、自分は絶対、もっと強くなるんだよ」とそう思うことです。

もちろん、今回ダメだったというわけではないですが、世界選手権を見据えた場合 ここでベストの状態に上げる、というのは難しいですね。世界選手権も間近に迫っていますし。

今大会は やはりすこし残念ではありますが、彼はすごく強いので、これを糧に成長してくれる、と分かっています。



もし、いつも通りやっていたら、十分 普通に優勝できたでしょうし、うーん、でも今日は違った、という。

まぁ…でも、「この四大陸で 絶対に吸収することがあるし、絶対にもっと強くなる」とそう伝えました。それに、「なにもヘコむような出来ではないし、ロンドンワールドの頃には絶好調になるよ」と。


今大会は Daisuke と Yuzuru にほとんどの注目が集まったと思うのですが、それをケヴィン・レイノルズ選手(優勝)が有利に出来た、ということもありますね。良い競技者というのは、ひょっこり 上位に抜け出すものです。Kevin を讃えたいと思います。彼は良い選手です。



- 「ソチオリンピックに向けては?」という質問に





-  日本人選手について

日本のスケーターは、とても恵まれていますね。こんなにも素晴らしい応援があって、確固たるファンの皆さんもいらっしゃる。今日は残念な夜になってしまったでしょうけれども、世界選手権に向けては、ファンの皆さんは まだまだ楽観的に臨める、と思います。

それから、今宵は Daisuke にとってすごく良い夜、とはなりませんでしたが、彼はとても、強い選手で強いスケーターです。今日はもっと良い演技になったのに、と思いますが、きっとすごい演技をロンドンでもやってくれます。なにしろ それが世界選手権というもので、そこで、ここという時に、ベストを出す—世界選手権はそういうものですから。



- 今大会までの調整について

いつも、前の試合をふまえて その課題に取り組みます。いつも大変なのは、すごく良かった試合—「成功」の後にどう取り組むか、ということなんですけれども、その点 非常に気を配りましたし、また、そうですね、Yuzuru はハビエル・フェルナンデス選手と一緒に練習をしていて、それが大いに支えになったと思います。Yuzuru は Javier から多大なサポートを得て、今大会に臨んでいました。彼は Yuzuru をすごく応援してるんです。




- 世界選手権に向けて

Yuzuru は、この試合を経てもっと強くなる、そう分かっています。もし、今大会で力を出し切って完璧なショート・フリーを揃えていたなら、世界選手権のことが ちょっと気がかりになったと思います。



ですから、今 彼の目を見れば、「負けじ」と強くなろうとしている、それが伝わってきます。あるいは… 世界選手権までには4週間ありますからね、時間はたっぷり、十分にあります。

☞ 2013 4CC in Osaka, JAPAN 四大陸選手権 イベントリポート Event Reports

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